Just over two years since my last post. I did sell all my large woodworking machines that were in the neighbour's garage. However, I was able to retain the garage to continue storing a lot of my slabs, in lieu of actually doing something about getting rid of them.
Meanwhile, I have not done any serious woodworking since the aborted cedar chest of four years ago.
With some recent coronavirus time on my hands I decided to use some scraps to make up a simple tray. Also a good chance to revive some atrophying hand tools skills!
The original idea was to make up something a touch rustic that could go outside and be used to display a bonsai in.
The base is Monterey Cypress, which I milled and dried myself from a local tree. Since this wood is notorious for sap, I actually baked it in our oven at 140 F for about 45 mins to try and set it. I did a bookmatch on a section that had a bit of staining. Finish is several layers of shellac. The shellac was old as dirt, but I did a test with it and it still worked great!
The sides were purported to be rosewood, from a tree that was grown in Florida and came down in a hurricane some years ago. I bought it from a seller on eBay, a local wood guy I showed it to was skeptical that it was rosewood and I tend to agree with him.
I had to put a couple patches on the sides, as I was running the sides through my shaper to form a groove for the base to fit into, I had not tightened things up and the bit rose up as I cut and went completely through! I guess I did not learn from the first time, as the same thing happened again. So with the patches it definitely meets my original objective of 'rustic' although not as I had originally intended.
In any case I put a couple coats of my fav Tried and True on the sides and they look fine.
Photographed among the cherry blossoms.
2 days ago
Hey Dan would you reach out to me at 209 399 0101? I have an old 24” Jonsered planer and I know you used to, I was just hoping to ask you a couple questions regarding the planer